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South African Sauvignon Blanc Grapes on the vine

The Rise Of South African Sauvignon Blanc Wines On The International Stage

South African Sauvignon Blanc wines have been gaining in popularity over the last few years. With their distinctive flavor and crisp acidity, these wines are now being sought after by wine lovers from around the world. In this article, we’ll explore how these wines have become a major player on the international stage and what […]

South African Grape Varietals

Discovering Clairette Blanche: A Guide To South Africa’s Rare Grape Variety

Discovering Clairette Blanche: A Guide to South Africa’s Rare Grape Variety. Have you ever heard of this rare and special grape variety? It is a popular cultivar in the wine world, but its origins remain mysterious. This guide will take you on a journey through the history of this unique grape variety, from where it […]

Chenin Blanc Wine Grapes

Chenin Blanc Wines from South Africa – The Ultimate Guide

Chenin Blanc in the UK Chenin Blanc is one of the oldest grape varietials in South Africa and has been grown there for centuries. It’s a beloved variety among wine connoisseurs, and for good reason: Chenin Blanc in the UK has an unparalleled depth of flavour that pairs perfectly with many dishes. With this guide […]

Bottle of a South African white wine on a table

South African White Wines

White Wines From South Africa South African white wines offer a variety of flavours, aromas and styles that will tantalise the taste buds of even the most discerning connoisseur. From classic varieties like Chenin Blanc to more exotic blends, South Africa’s white wines are sure to please. With unique terroir and a long winemaking history, […]

Chenin Blanc Wines and Grapes

Why Are Chenin Blanc Wines So Popular in the UK

Chenin Blanc Wines UK Chenin Blanc wines are some of the most popular in the world, and South African Chenin Blancs are some of the best. This popularity is because the South African Chenin Blanc is a versatile grape that can be made into various styles of wine, from dry to sweet and everything in […]

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